19 learners taking this course
Welcome to the Cool To Be Friends Curriculum Quiz. This quiz has been developed to ensure that you have an understanding of the content of the programme and how to implement lessons.
In order for you to be able to facilitate the Cool To Be Friends curriculum, you need to achieve an 80% pass rate.
The answers to all the questions can be found in the Cool To Be Friends Facilitators Manual and Cool To Be Friends Journal.
Good Luck
The Cool To Be Friends programme is characterised by friendship complications and miscommunications! Typically ten and eleven-year-olds will start experimenting by exerting their personal power on the peer group or testing the boundaries with authority figures, positively and or negatively. If we do not use this opportunity for social and emotional learning, this still harmless phase escalates quickly into bullying epidemics within schools and difficult, disruptive elements within classrooms in the senior phase.
The following themes play out in grades 4 and 5, (ages 10 – 12)

- Shifting and exclusive friendship groups (You are my friend. You are not my friend. You can sit with us. You can’t sit with us.)
- Dissing and teasing (beginning phases of bullying)
- Testing the boundaries with authority figures (beginning of disruptive and disrespectful behaviour)
- Cyber stupidity
These unique aspects of our Intermediate Phase curriculum create a thought-provoking, experiential, creative, and easy-to-implement learning opportunity for learners, educators, and parents:
- Experiential learning cycle is the vehicle for learning (game/activity; reflection; generalisation; application)
- Creative and fun elements engage learners attention (rap songs; friend-shakes; graphic novels and so much more)
- Easy-to-follow Educator Manual with clear lesson plans
- Easy to fit into busy timetables
- Thought provoking and reflective journaling for learners
- Family discussions to engage parents and children in SEL
COOL TO BE FRIENDS focuses on the developmental theme of friendship. It provides a safe and creative space for children to learn and practice social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making and gain an understanding of the importance of bringing the value of kindness, respect, and fairness into the classroom and school community. When we practice these values, we approach all people in friendship and peacefully resolve fights, arguments, or disagreements. More specifically Grade 4 learners will learn:
Cool To Be Friends
- How to be a good friend
- Why community and friendship is important
- To act and speak with kindness (Be a builder not a breaker)
- To bring mutual respect into the peer group
- To co-operate, compromise and play fair
- How to resolve conflict peacefully
- To reflect honestly on their personal choices and actions and how they impact their classmates.