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Welcome to the COOL TO BE ME @ Home, Being Confident and Responsible Series.

Pause from the family’s busy schedule, and set aside special time with your child to explore the Being Resonsible short course that teach the social and emotional skills, attitudes and values needed for them to approach school and life with a sense of responsibility and confidence.
Being Responsible
During this short course your child will learn about being responsible and how, when we choose to be responsible, we feel capable, clever, strong, kind, important, and happy… just like a superhero!
Story Motto:
“A superhero I can be when I choose responsibility!”
Story Summary
Bru’Me is fed-up. He is tired of all his responsibilities and so he imagines he is flying away in his toy spaceship to a place where he is free. Instead, Bru’Me’s spaceship takes him to Fed-up-ville, a dirty, angry place where nobody takes responsibility for anything. Bru’Me doesn’t like what he sees and feels in Fed-up-ville and decides he wants to learn to become responsible. His wish takes him to ‘Captain Able’s Zero to Hero School of Responsibility,’ where he learns how to be responsible … and fly like a superhero!