Online Courses


SEL Continued Professional Development Course (SACE Accredited : 45 points)


 The ‘what’ and ‘why’ of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and how it can be integrated into all aspects of school life: curriculum, teaching practice and classroom management. An excellent source of knowledge for all educators, coaches or child practitioners who would like to upskill themselves in Social and Emotional Leaning and gain:

  • A clear understanding of the practice of SEL.
  • An in depth understanding of each competency and how to integrate it into teacher practice, classroom management and learner development for maximum benefit.
  • Insight into personal areas of strength and development with regards to each competency.

Educators who engage in SEL training and proactively teach a broad-based SEL programme, can realistically expect to enjoy positive outcomes personally, in their classrooms and in the personal development of each learner emotionally, socially and academically.



COOL TO BE ME @ Home: Feeling Happy and Safe Series



Pause from the family’s busy schedule, and set aside special time with your child to explore the four building blocks in this series that teach the social and emotional skills, attitudes and values needed for them to work through life’s challenges and hiccups, back to feeling happy and safe so that they can continue playing and enjoying life or persisting with a difficult task.

Neuroscience informs us that the brain learns best when it is calm and content which makes ‘feeling happy and safe’ a very important theme to address with children in their formative years of schooling. Learning the skills of self-awareness and self-management at home, prepares them to better handle situations as they arise at school so that they can navigate their daily stresses in the classroom and quickly return to a calm and content state of being; ready to learn.

The four building blocks (modules) your child and you will explore in this Feeling Happy and Safe @ Home Series are : feelings; sharing; being kind and my circle of love and support.

Contact us for more information!

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