COOL TO BE ME offers Social and Emotional Learning Solutions for the whole school community: educators, learners and parents.
Learn More About UsWhat is Social and Emotional Learning ?
The COOL TO BE ME Approach
Multiple Approaches Across Multiple Settings
“The educational goals of Social Emotional Learning are more likely to be achieved when evidence-based approaches are used to reach students in all settings where they spend their time — in classrooms, throughout the school, in the home, and in the community.” (CASEL)
COOL TO BE ME strives to integrate Social Emotional Learning into all aspects of a child’s life at school and at home through easy-to-understand-and-apply training courses and curriculum resources.
In order to enjoy the full range of benefits that SEL can yield, educators, learners and parents must engage fully in evidence-based SEL practices and principles. COOL TO BE ME facilitates this process through:
- An evidence-based, experiential Social Emotional Learning curriculum for learners from Grades 1 to 7 (6 to 13 years old); implemented at school.
- A SACE accredited Educators Social Emotional Learning CPTD course (continued professional training and development course) for educators, coaches, or child practitioners.COOL TO BE ME
- COOL TO BE ME @ Home for parents and children between the ages of 5 and 10 to engage in SEL together.
Research shows that Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is a highly effective approach that promotes personal development and well- being and enhances classroom climate and academic competencies.
Social and Emotional Learning is the most effective tool to support parents in raising children to be happy, healthy and successful in life.
An Educator’s Perspective
“We have had great fun and had many meaningful conversations during our sessions with the children. I like to think that as a school we are driven by values and not rules, and COOL TO BE ME is just so supportive in this attempt. The material and topics have been age appropriate and the children have related to situations in the stories quite easily. The children have particularly enjoyed discovering and celebrating their strengths and talents, at the same time being aware that you can seldom be good at all things and it’s okay! The programme has proved to be a good way to stimulate and direct the right conversations between child and parent. It helps to instil the values we are so desperate for in our society.”
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